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Food under observation

October 17, 2011

An observation on my food habits.
The idea of clicking pictures of every little bit that we eat is quite interesting. It is rather a very good way to observe one’s food habits and see if we really eat what we think we do. Over the past two weeks I have been doing the same and the above pictures show a summary of the meals that were eaten most often.

The above row shows the food eaten in my hostel, the middle row shows the food that I ate in restaurants while the last row highlights the packaged food products I consumed. I noticed that my food habits are really dominated by packaged food but they are mostly snacky. All the restaurant fancy food that I ate is not a part of my usual food but last week I had attended a lot of Birthday parties so I ended up eating a lot of junk. Though the hostel food that I consume is less as compared to others, I observed that I prefer eating more of non-vegetarian food there. One main observation, my meals hardly consist of any healthy food items. Be it packaged or home-cooked I tend to choose the oily and the unhealthy items over the healthy fruits and vegetables.

This whole exercise though was very helpful as it showed me exactly what I consumed over the past few days, but I am not surprised by what I saw. So I can conclude and say that I was actually quite sure of what my food habits are. I knew from before that I am always inclined toward eating a lot of packaged food and non-vegetarian. My mother is the only one person who can force fruits and healthy food in my stomach.

FoodLab Bangalore – is a 3 week workshop the Center for Genomic Gastronomy conducted with sophomores from the Srishti School of Art, Design & Technology in the fall of 2011. Students will examine innovation and conservation in South Asian food cultures, building on recent research of the Center (utopian cuisines, mutagenic meals) and working towards the next edition of the Planetary Sculpture Supper Club to be held in Bangalore on Nov. 12th.

Follow the conversation all week here on our Blog, join in the comments and use the twitter hashtag #foodlabbangalore to keep up to date.


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