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DATABASES OF PLACE & TASTE: Significant species, cultivated plants & observed organisms.

March 12, 2025

Early in 2025 we were asked to participate in the Wild, Untamed and Spontaneous at La Casa Encendida in Madrid, curated by Paisanaje (a collective based in Madrid that combines curatorial work with artistic practice, and aims to address the growing ecosocial crises facing the world today).

Paisanaje have been invited to curate the part of the exhibition that will focus and reflect on “weeds” and on their potential from different perspectives. In this edition, they have proposed a study of contemporary artistic and landscape practices which imagine community gardens as spaces for learning, experimentation and cohabitation with other spaces.

This was a great moment to take stock of our own garden practice at Amstel Park (with Zone2Source) and reflect on our activities and what organisms are present. Three questions Paisanaje asked us were: 

A. A SIGNIFICANT SPECIES: We’d love for you to tell us about a plant in the garden that you find characteristic or emotionally significant.

B. CULTIVATED PLANTS: What plants have you cultivated in your garden?

C. OBSERVED ORGANISMS: What organism have you observed in your garden?

    Luckily we are currently co-developing a biodiversity accounting tool with NiceTrails as part of a MUSAE project, and we have had a chance to put that into action with two recent workshops called “Agroecology Accounting in the Garden (AAG)”. 

    One workshop was held for the BioArt meet-up Group from HKU led by Martijn van Gessel and the other was for the Green Office VU sustainability platform at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

    Here are responses to the curators questions. The third list is from the Biodiversity Accounting that the workshop participants have been helping with.


    We recently planted a sea buckthorn (Hippophae rham) as part of our foray into edible perennial species. This is not a taste I grew up with, and was first introduced to it while we were collaborating with the scientist Dr. Wendy Russel in Scotland a decade ago. Now, whenever I taste this unique berry it brings me back to a moment not so long ago when the delight and pleasure of agricultural biodiversity started to resonate at a sensual and not only intellectual level. 

    IMAGE: Food Phreaking Issue 01


    1. Bay Laurel, Laurier, Laurus nobilis
    2. Blackcurrant (Ben Sarek), Zwarte bes, Ribes nigrum x Ben Sarek
    3. Blackcurrant (Titania), Zwarte bes, Ribes nigrum x Titania
    4. Blueberry, Blauwe bes, Vaccinium corymbosum
    5. Blueberry (Pink Lemonade), Blauwe bes, Vaccinium
    6. Cornelian Cherry (Dublany), Gele kornoelje, Cornus mas
    7. Cornelian Cherry (Szafer), Gele kornoelje, Cornus mas
    8. Creeping Saltbush, Strandbiet, Atriplex halimus
    9. Cucumber Shrub, Blauwe worstboom, Decaisnea fargesii
    10. Daylily, Daglelie, Hemerocallis
    11. Dune Thorn (Leikora), Duindoorn, Hippophae rham
    12. Dune Thorn (Pollmix 2), Duindoorn, Hippophae rham
    13. Elderberry, Vlier, Sambucus nigra
    14. Eternal Cabbage, Eeuwige kool, Brassica oleracea var. acephala
    15. Fig (Brown Turkey), Vijg, Ficus carica
    16. Golden Raspberry, Gele framboos, Rubus idaeus
    17. Hazel (Cosford), Hazelaar, Corylus avellana
    18. Hazel (Red Zellernut), Rode hazelaar, Corylus
    19. Honeysalt Bush, Zeevenkel, Crithmum maritimum
    20. Hosta (Elegans), Hosta, Hosta sieboldiana
    21. Hosta (First Frost), Hosta, Hosta
    22. Japanese Ginger, Japanse gember, Zingiber mioga
    23. Japanese Quince (Cido), Japanse kwee, Chaenomeles japonica
    24. Jostaberry, Jostabes, Ribes nidigrolaria
    25. Kiwi Berry (Ken’s Red), Kiwibes, Actinidia arguta
    26. Kiwi Berry (Weiki), Kiwibes, Actinidia arguta
    27. Lemon Balm, Citroenmelisse, Melissa officinalis
    28. Lemon Mint, Citroenmunt, Mentha x piperita f. citrata
    29. Mint (Apple Mint), Appelmunt, Mentha x rotundifolia
    30. Mint (Moroccan Mint), Marokkaanse munt, Mentha spicata var. crispa ‘Moroccan’
    31. Mint (Peppermint), Pepermunt, Mentha ×piperita
    32. Mint (Strawberry Mint), Aardbeimunt, Mentha arvensis ‘Strawberry’
    33. Medlar, Mispel, Mespilus germanica
    34. Mulberry (Illinois Everbearing), Moerbei, Morus alba x rubra f. Illinois Everbearing
    35. Olive Willow (Amber), Olijfwilg, Elaeagnus umbellata
    36. Olive Willow (Sweet ‘n Tart), Olijfwilg, Elaeagnus umbellata
    37. Pineapple Sage, Ananassalie, Salvia rutilans
    38. Red Sage (Hot Lips), Rode salie, Salvia microphylla
    39. Rue, Wijnruit, Artemisia abrotanum
    40. Salt Cabbage (Jacob’s Blue), Zeekool, Crambe maritima ‘Jacobs Blue’
    41. Seaberry / Sea Buckthorn, Duindoorn, Hippophae rham
    42. True Sage (Blue Sage), Blauwe salie, Salvia officinalis
    43. Valse Chistusdoorn (Honey Locust), Valse Christusdoorn, Gleditsia triacanthos inermis
    44. Walnut (Common Walnut), Walnoot, Prunus dulcis
    45. Wayfaring Tree, Wollige sneeuwbal, Toona sinensis


    1. Alder, Els, Alnus
    2. Blueberry, Blauwe bes, Vaccinium corymbosum
    3. Bryophyte, Bladmossen, Bryophyta
    4. Common Hazel, Hazelaar, Corylus avellana
    5. Common Nettle, Grote brandnetel, Urtica dioica
    6. Common Oak, Zomereik, Quercus sp.
    7. Common Yew, Gewone taxus, Taxus baccata
    8. Dandelion, Paardenbloem, Taraxacum officinale
    9. Didymo, Rotslijm, Didymosphenia geminata
    10. Diplopod (Millipede), Miljoenpoot, Diplopoda
    11. Ephemeroptera Nymph, Eendagsvlieg nimf, Ephemeroptera nymph
    12. False Nettle, Valse brandnetel, Boehmeria cylindrica
    13. Field Pansy, Veldviooltje, Viola arvensis
    14. Firebug Beetle, Vuurwants, Pyrrhocoris apterus
    15. Garlic Mustard, Look-zonder-look, Alliaria petiolata
    16. Gold Dust Lichen, Goudstofkorst, Chrysothrix chlorina
    17. Golden Shield Lichen, Goudschildkorst, Xanthoria parietina
    18. Goosegrass, Kleefkruid, Galium aparine
    19. Ground Ivy, Hondsdraf, Glechoma hederacea
    20. Groundcover Strawberry, Wilde aardbei, Fragaria
    21. Groundsel, Klein kruiskruid, Senecio vulgaris
    22. Herb Bennet, Geel nagelkruid, Geum urbanum
    23. Holly, Hulst, Ilex aquifolium
    24. Lawn Grass, Gazon gras, Poaceae
    25. Lichen (Flavoparmelia caperata), Geelgroene korstmos, Flavoparmelia caperata
    26. Lichen (Golden Shield Lichen), Goudschildkorst, Xanthoria parietina
    27. Lichen (Hypogymnia physodes), Blaaskorstmos, Hypogymnia physodes
    28. Lichen (Unidentified), Korstmos, Lichen sp.
    29. Lichen (Xanthoria sp.), Gele korstmos, Xanthoria sp.
    30. Marsh Pennywort, Waternavel, Hydrocotyle umbellata
    31. Mayfly Nymph, Eendagsvlieg nimf, Ephemeroptera nymph
    32. Moss (Bryophyta), Mos, Bryophyta
    33. Orange Algae (Trentepohlia aurea), Oranje alg, Trentepohlia aurea
    34. Patella Limpet, Gewone lympet, Patella vulgata
    35. Peacock Spider, Pauwspin, Maratus
    36. Pirate Spider (Pisaurina mira), Piratenspin, Pisaurina mira
    37. Planktonic Algae, Planktonalgen, Chlorophyta
    38. Ranunculus, Speenkruid, Ranunculus ficaria
    39. Red Slime Mold, Rode slijmzwam, Fuligo septica
    40. Rove Beetle (Paederus spp.), Oeverkruiper, Paederus spp.
    41. Seven-Spotted Lady Beetle, Aziatische lieveheersbeestje, Harmonia axyridis
    42. Strawberry, Aardbei, Fragaria
    43. Terrestrial Earthworm, Regenworm, Lumbricus terrestris
    44. Veronica Speedwell, Veldereprijs, Veronica persica
    45. Wood Cricket, Boskrekel, Gryllidae
    46. Wood Formica Ants, Houtmier, Formica spp.
    47. Wolf Spider, Wolfspin, Lycosidae


    November 18, 2021 - December 12, 2021
    Grafill, risography exhibition, Oslo, NO
    October 24 - November 21, 2019
    ClimATE, Aalto University, Espoo, FI.
    March 1, 2018
    Climate Fiction PT
    October 21 - 29, 2017
    Dutch Design Week: Embassy of Food
    October 19 - 21, 2017
    Experiencing Food (Lisbon)
    Nov. 5 - Apr. 2, 2016
    2116: Forecast of the Next Century
    Nov. 5th, 2016
    KiKK Festival Workshop