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Food Hackers: Political and Metaphysical Gastronomes in the Hackerspaces (2015)

Food Hackers: Political and Metaphysical Gastronomes in the Hackerspaces
Denisa Kera, Zack Denfeld and Cathrine Kramer
Gastronomica — Vol. 15, No. 2 (Summer 2015), pp. 49-56


Abstract: The emergence of food collectives, as well as movements identifying with makerspace and hackerspace cultures such as Food Hacking Base and Hackteria, supports various experimental and playful practices, which are often participatory. We discuss a case study of foodhacking practices (the 2012 workshop in Prague on issues of spices and globalization) to identify the functions of such playful food prototypes. These practices paradoxically revive the original ideas of Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin’s 1825 The Physiology of Taste, fusing gastronomy with global politics, science, business, and even philosophy. Present-day food hackers, like Savarin’s “political gastronomes,” use the “pleasures of the table” and gourmandism as an opportunity to rethink and experiment with both private and public systems around food and to question future scenarios.