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WORK > 2010 > BT (Brinjal Tastetest)

Brinjal Taste Test was a study of the relationship between Agricultural & Culinary Biodiversity that asks the question: “How Do Eggplants Differ”? During BT (Brinjal Tastetest) we collected, documented, prepared and tasted a range of cultivars and recipes of Brinjal (a.k.a. Aubergene / Eggplant) available in India.

Each of these aubergines has a different flavor, texture and collection of recipes.Recipes are technological ecosystems, connecting certain ingredients and methods of preparation to certain flavors and varieties of plants. However, commercial seed companies has already started the process of standardization and making these fruits more homogenous.

We are starting to call this connection between ecology, agriculture and cuisine the biodiversity of the kitchen. The landraces, cultivars and hybrid varietals that are inputs into the kitchen become associated with recipes, flavors and ways of cooking, in a coevolutionary process.


Does is it Matter What GMOs Taste Like? (Part 1: BT Brinjal)
Brinjal 4-Way
A Few Notes on Eggplant

Genetically-engineered crops and their effects on varietal diversity: a case of Bt eggplant in India by Deepthi Elizabeth Kolady • William Lesser